Final Rule published July 6, 2018
For-Hire Electronic Vessel Trip Report (eVTR) Framework
- Final Rule published September 11, 2017
Omnibus Industry Funded Monitoring Amendment
River Herring and Shad Actions (Am. 14, Am. 15, FW 9)
Blueline Tilefish Amendment
- Final Rule published November 24, 2017
Unmanaged Forage Omnibus Amendment
- Final Rule published August 28, 2017
Squid Amendment
Final Rule published 12/14/18
Deep Sea Corals Amendment (Amendment 16 to the Mackerel, Squid, Butterfish FMP)
- Final Rule published December 14, 2016
Atlantic Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Cost Recovery Amendment (Amendment 17)
- Final Rule published June 15, 2016
Omnibus Amendment to Simplify Vessel Baselines
Final Rule published August 26, 2015
Delaware Special Management Zones
- Final Rule published June 9, 2015
Scup Gear Restricted Areas Framework (Framework 9 to the Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass FMP)
- Final Rule published November 9, 2016
Slippage Framework (Framework 9 to the Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish FMP)
- Final Rule published August 12, 2015
River Herring and Shad Management (Formerly Am. 15)
- Amendment development discontinued. See here for details.
Omnibus Recreational Accountability Amendment
- Final Rule published December 19, 2013
River Herring and Shad Bycatch and Monitoring (Am. 14)
- Final Rule published February 24, 2013