The Mid-Atlantic and New England Councils (MAFMC and NEFMC), working with NOAA Fisheries, collaboratively developed this page to link to information and resources that may be relevant to offshore wind energy development and fisheries. This page also provides information on the Councils' involvement in, and comments on, wind energy development activities, as well as resources for its stakeholders.
Stay Informed
Notices to Fishermen and Comment Opportunities
Our Offshore Wind - Stay Informed page has links and resources to help you stay informed about offshore wind projects in the Northeast region. Find the latest notices or sign up to receive email updates about activities in your area.
Exploring the Coexistence of Fisheries and Offshore Wind
Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI) and Environmental Resources Management are exploring approaches to fisheries coexistence with floating offshore wind. Engagement efforts begin mid-April 2024. Learn more here.
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is the lead federal agency responsible for leasing and oversight/regulation of offshore wind energy development on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf. Visit the links below to engage in and stay informed about BOEM activities.
Council Engagement on Offshore Wind
To the extent practicable, the Councils comment directly to BOEM, the Coast Guard, and other agencies in response to specific requests for input. For individual projects, this includes submitting comments during the scoping period and on draft environmental impact statements. Other comment opportunities include calls for information on potential new wind energy areas, proposed lease sale notices and related environmental assessments, and draft port access route studies.