Council Staff
The Council staff supports the Council by providing information for management decisions, informing the public about Council activities, helping the public participate in the process, coordinating the process and meetings, creating fishery management documents, and assisting advisory groups.
Meet the Staff
Dr. Christopher Moore
Executive Director
Chris Moore has been the Executive Director of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council since July 2010. Before he became the Executive Director, he was the Chief of the Partnerships and Communications Division in the Office of Sustainable Fisheries at NOAA Fisheries Headquarters. Prior to NOAA, Chris worked for the Mid-Atlantic Council in various roles including as the Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Plan Coordinator, Senior Fishery Management Specialist, and Deputy Director. He has also served as the Acting Director of the Northeast Cooperative Research Partners Program and worked for the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission as a Bluefish Plan Writer. Chris has served on the National Fish Habitat Board since 2013 and was the Vice-Chair from 2017 to 2020. Chris was also the Acting Executive Director for the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) from 2019 to 2021. In recognition of his leadership, Chris was the recipient of WAFWA’s 2021 President’s Award. Chris has a Ph.D. from Virginia Tech, a Master's from the University of Florida, a B.S. from the University of Dayton and over 30 years of experience related to fishery management and science issues.
(302) 526-5255
Julia Beaty
Fishery Management Specialist
Julia Beaty joined the Council staff in February 2015. She is the staff lead for black sea bass, chub mackerel, and offshore wind energy development. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Biology from Smith College and masters degrees in Marine Policy and Marine Biology from the University of Maine. Prior to joining the Council she worked as a contractor for the National Marine Fisheries Service and also worked for the Alaska Marine Conservation Council.
(302) 526-5250
Jessica Coakley
Fishery Management Specialist
Jessica Coakley joined the Council staff in 2004 and has over 20 years of experience related to state and federal fishery management and science issues. Jessica grew up in New Jersey and graduated with a BS from Rutgers University before completing a MS at the University of Maryland - Chesapeake Biological Laboratory. She is the staff member responsible for the Atlantic surfclam and ocean quahog fishery management plan and lead for the Council’s habitat activities and initiatives and implementing aspects of the Council’s Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management. She is the current Chair of the Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership, which focuses on the conservation, protection, restoration, and enhancement of habitat for native Atlantic coastal, estuarine-dependent, and diadromous fishes. Before working with the Council, Jessica was employed with the State of Delaware and the State of Maryland.
(302) 526-5252
Kathy Collins
Operations Officer
Kathy Collins is the Operations Officer for the Council. She is responsible for the financial management of the Council, including budget development and monitoring, accounting and cash management, financial reporting, maintaining Council benefits programs, audits, managing contracts, and other administrative operations.
(302) 526-5253
Kiley Dancy
Fishery Management Specialist
Kiley Dancy joined the Council staff in 2012. She serves as the staff lead on climate change and fisheries issues, including participating on the East Coast Climate Core Team, providing staff support for the East Coast Climate Coordination Group, and helping to coordinate several of the Council’s Inflation Reduction Act projects for Climate Ready Fisheries. Kiley is also the lead on the Recreational Sector Separation and Data Collection Amendment for summer flounder, scup, black sea bass, and bluefish. Previously, Kiley served as the lead on the summer flounder FMP for 12 years, and was also the Council’s lead staffer on the East Coast Scenario Planning Initiative and the Deep Sea Corals Amendment. Kiley received a BS in Biology from the University of Michigan and a Masters of Environmental Management from the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University.
(302) 526-5257
Jason Didden
Fishery Management Specialist
With the Council since 2007, Jason’s primary responsibilities include coordinating management of the Atlantic mackerel, Illex squid, longfin squid, butterfish, and spiny dogfish fisheries. Jason is the Mid’s staff point of contact for river herring, shad, and sturgeon (primarily bycatch concerns), as well as MRIP (the Marine Recreational Information Program) and MREP (the Marine Resource Education Program). Jason also provides support for Mid-Atlantic perspectives on species primarily managed by the NEFMC including monkfish, Atlantic herring, scallops, whiting, skates, and groundfish. Jason’s undergrad majors were Political Science and Biology and he has a Masters of Marine Policy from the University of Delaware.
(302) 526-5254
Hayden Dubniczki
Fishery Management Specialist
Hayden Dubniczki is the plan coordinator for scup and the staff lead for protected resources. She also tracks the status of SAFMC-managed species, focusing on how these species may influence the Mid-Atlantic Council’s management responsibilities in the future. Before joining the Council in December 2024, Hayden earned a B.S. in Environmental Studies with a minor in East Asian Studies from Gettysburg College, followed by a Master of Environmental Management from Duke University. Hayden is also a PADI Master Scuba Diver and credits her underwater experiences with cultivating her passion for marine conservation and stewardship.
(302) 526-5259
Hannah Hart
Fishery Management Specialist
Hannah Hart joined the Council staff in May 2022. She is the plan coordinator responsible for summer flounder and blueline tilefish. She is also the staff lead for the Northeast Trawl Advisory Panel (NTAP) and Highly Migratory Species issues. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Marine Biology from the Florida Institute of Technology and a master’s degree in Coastal and Marine Biology from University of North Florida. Prior to joining the Council, she worked as a fisheries biologist for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
(302) 526-5263
Fishery Management Specialist
Tori Kentner joined the Council staff in May 2022. She is the technical lead for the Northeast Reginal Habitat Assessment and has a background in marine spatial ecology, GIS, data science and programming. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Biology from York College of Pennsylvania and a master’s degree in Marine Biology & a GIS for Environmental Analysis certificate from San Francisco State University.
(302) 526-5262
Dr. José Montañez
Fishery Management Specialist
José Montañez has worked at the Council since 1994. He holds an undergraduate degree in Marine Biology and graduate degrees in Agricultural Economics. He is the staff member responsible for the bluefish and golden tilefish management plans. In addition, he also provides staff support for surfclam and ocean quahog.
(302) 526-5258
Brandon Muffley
Fishery Management Specialist
Brandon Muffley joined the Council staff in 2016 and has nearly 20 years of experience related to state and federal fishery management and science issues. He is the staff member responsible for coordinating the activities of the Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee and implementing the scientific and management objectives of the Council’s Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management guidance document. He also coordinates activities on a number of different state/federal issues and science initiatives. Prior to joining the Council, Brandon worked for the New Jersey Marine Fisheries Administration within the Division of Fish and Wildlife where he served in a number of positions including Administrator, Bureau Chief and Research Scientist. He has a Bachelor’s degree from Rider University in Marine Science and a Master’s degree in Fisheries Science from the University of Maryland.
(302) 526-5260
Stephen Pearson
IT Specialist and Data Manager
Stephen Pearson joined the Council staff in 2020 as the Information Technology Specialist and Data Manager. In this role, he is responsible for all aspects of the Council’s computer network infrastructure and administration, computer support services, database management, and a variety of other technical support functions. He holds a BS in Information Technology and has spent the last 15 years working in the web hosting and public cloud space supporting AWS, Azure, and VMWare clouds.
(302) 526-5256
Mary Sabo
Communication and Outreach Coordinator
Mary Sabo is the staff member responsible for communication and outreach, strategic planning, and legislative affairs. Her day-to-day activities include managing the Council's website, developing press releases and outreach materials, interacting with the media, and tracking legislative activities. After joining the staff in 2011, Mary served as the staff lead on the Visioning and Strategic Planning Project, which culminated with the completion of the Council's first strategic plan in October 2013. In 2019 she oversaw development of the Council’s second strategic plan for 2020 through 2024. She continues to manage execution of the strategic plan through the development of annual implementation plans. Mary received a BS in Ecology and Biodiversity from Sewanee: The University of the South and a Master of Environmental Management degree from the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University. She lives in Virginia with her husband and two sons.
(302) 526-5261
Shelley Spedden
Administrative Specialist
Shelley Spedden joined the Council staff in July 2021. She provides administrative support to the Council staff and members, including overseeing Council meeting documentation and logistics. She has more than twenty years of experience in office administration with a zeal for serving with excellence. She has a certificate in nonprofit leadership and has completed extensive leadership and service training throughout her career. Prior to joining the Council, she served for three years as Development Director for a Delaware nonprofit and for fifteen years as Corporate Customer Service Manager and Executive Assistant at Dover Downs Hotel & Casino.
(302) 526-5251
Staff Contacts by Fishery and Topic
Species Managed Under Council Fishery Management Plans
Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, Butterfish: Jason Didden
Chub Mackerel: Julia Beaty
Summer Flounder: Hannah Hart (primary), Kiley Dancy
Scup: Hayden Dubniczki (primary), Hannah Hart
Black Sea Bass: Julia Beaty (primary), Hayden Dubniczki
Surfclams and Ocean Quahogs: Jessica Coakley (primary), José Montañez
Bluefish: José Montañez (primary), Kiley Dancy
Spiny Dogfish: Jason Didden
Golden Tilefish: José Montañez
Blueline Tilefish: Hannah Hart
Monkfish: Jason Didden
Other Species
River Herring and Shad: Jason Didden
Forage Species: Julia Beaty
Atlantic sturgeon: Jason Didden (primary), Hayden Dubniczki
Highly Migratory Species: Hannah Hart
Protected Resources: Hayden Dubniczki
Ecosystem, Habitat, and Offshore Energy
Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM): Brandon Muffley
Ecosystem and Ocean Planning: Brandon Muffley (primary), Jessica Coakley
Habitat (including EFH): Jessica Coakley
Deep Sea Corals: Kiley Dancy
Offshore wind energy: Julia Beaty
Other energy issues (oil and gas, seismic, etc.): Jessica Coakley
Other Topics
Scientific and Statistical Committee: Brandon Muffley
Northeast Trawl Advisory Panel: Hannah Hart
Law Enforcement: José Montañez
Research Priorities: Brandon Muffley
Marine Resource Information Program (MRIP)/Recreational Issues: Jason Didden
Marine Resource Education Program (MREP): Jason Didden
Strategic Planning: Mary Sabo
Climate Change and Scenario Planning: Kiley Dancy
Advisory Panels: Mary Sabo
General Administrative Issues: Shelley Spedden
Council Travel: Kathy Collins
Communication and Outreach: Mary Sabo
Website: Mary Sabo
Webinar and IT Issues: Stephen Pearson