Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Funding for Climate Ready Fisheries

On June 6, 2023, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced historic funding for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). As part of this funding, $20 million was made available to the regional fishery management councils to support the development and advancement of climate-related fisheries management and implementation efforts. The funding is dedicated to Council fishery management and governance actions in support of the following objectives:

  • Implementation of fishery management measures necessary to advance climate ready fisheries by improving climate resiliency and responsiveness to climate impacts; and

  • Development and advancement of climate related fisheries management planning and implementation efforts in support of underserved communities

This IRA funding provides an unprecedented opportunity to build upon the Council’s past and ongoing efforts to build climate resilience in Mid-Atlantic fisheries and ecosystems.

Mid-Atlantic Council Projects

NOAA Fisheries has approved funding for eight Mid-Atlantic Council projects. These projects, totaling $2.6 million, include large, cross-Council initiatives that will involve engagement and input from management partners, science experts, and stakeholders to ensure greater support and successful outcomes.

Click on the project titles below to view a brief description of each project. Additional details are included in the document linked above.