Advisory Panels

Advisory panels (APs) play an important role in the fisheries management process. APs provide information and recommendations to the Council during the development of fishery management plans, amendments, specifications, and management measures. One of the chief responsibilities of advisory panels is the annual development of Fishery Performance Reports. These reports provide the Council and SSC with information about the factors that influenced fishing effort and catch within each fishery during the previous year.

Advisory panels are composed of individuals with diverse experience and interest in Mid-Atlantic fisheries. Members include commercial fishermen, recreational anglers, for-hire operators, dealers, scientists, environmentalists, and other members of the interested public.

Advisory Panel Membership

Click on an AP below to view a list of members. Current AP members began their terms on July 1, 2024 and will serve through June 30, 2027.

Mackerel, Squid, Butterfish

Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass

  1. Katie Almeida (Commercial, MA)

  2. Jared Auerbach (Commercial, MA)

  3. Joseph Beneventine (Recreational, NY)

  4. Carl Benson (Commercial, NJ)

  5. Joan Berko (Commercial, NJ)

  6. Frank Blount (For-Hire, RI)

  7. Eleanor Bochenek (Science/Research, NJ)

  8. W Howard Bogan (For-Hire, NJ)

  9. Bonnie Brady (Commercial, NY)

  10. Eric Burnley (Recreational, DE)

  11. Jeff Deem (Recreational, VA)

  12. Gregory DiDomenico (Commercial, VA)

  13. James Dopkin (Commercial, NJ)

  14. James Fletcher (Commercial, NC)

  15. Jameson Gregg (Science/Research, VA)

  16. Jeremy Hancher (Recreational, PA)

  17. Victor Hartley (For-Hire, NJ)

  18. Michael Pirri (For-Hire, CT)

  19. Robert Pride (Recreational, VA)

  20. Philip Simon (Recreational, NJ)

  21. Mark Sterling (For-Hire, VA)

  22. George Topping (Commercial, MD)

  23. Michael Waine (Recreational, NC)

  24. Charles Witek (Recreational, NY)

  25. Steven Witthuhn (For-Hire, NY)

  26. Harvey Yenkinson (For-Hire, NJ)

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  1. Joseph Beneventine (Recreational, NY)

  2. Eric Burnley (Recreational, DE)

  3. Jeremy Hancher (Recreational, PA)

  4. Victor Hartley (For-Hire, NJ)

  5. Steve Heins (Recreational, NC)

  6. TJ Karbowski (For-Hire, CT)

  7. Gus Lovgren (Commercial, NJ)

  8. William Mandulak (Recreational, NC)

  9. John Mannix (For-Hire, NY)

  10. Bryan Mindte (Recreational, MD)

  11. Bennett Mumford (Commercial, MD)

  12. Will Poston (Recreational, DC)

  13. Robert Pride (Recreational, VA)

  14. Matthew Seeley (NGO, VA)

  15. Philip Simon (Recreational, NJ)

  16. Mark Sterling (For-Hire, VA)

  17. Michael Waine (Recreational, NC)

  18. Kevin Wark (Commercial, NJ)

  19. Kyle White (For-Hire, VA)

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Spiny Dogfish

  1. Shah Amir (Commercial, MD)

  2. Jared Auerbach (Commercial, MA)

  3. Eric Burnley (Recreational, DE)

  4. Scott Curatolo-Wagemann (Science/Research, NY)

  5. James Dopkin (Commercial, NJ)

  6. Doug Feeney (Commercial, MA)

  7. James Fletcher (Commercial, NC)

  8. Frank Florio (For-Hire, NJ)

  9. Sonja Fordham (NGO, DC)

  10. Jameson Gregg (Science/Research, VA)

  11. Todd Janeski (Science/Research, VA)

  12. Pierre Juillard (Commercial, MA)

  13. Jerry Leeman (NGO, ME)

  14. Sam Martin (Commercial, NJ)

  15. William Mullis (Commercial, VA)

  16. Bennett Mumford (Commercial, MD)

  17. Christopher Rainone (Commercial, NJ)

  18. Mark Sanford (Commercial, VA)

  19. Nicholas Spivey (Recreational, NC)

  20. Kevin Wark (Commercial, NJ)

  21. John Whiteside (Commercial, MA)

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Surfclam and Ocean Quahog

  1. Jared Auerbach (Commercial, MA)

  2. Thomas Dameron (Commercial, PA)

  3. James Fletcher (Commercial, NC)

  4. Peter Himchak (Commercial, NJ)

  5. Sam Martin (Commercial, NJ)

  6. Joseph Myers (Commercial, MD)

  7. David O'Neill (Other, PA)

  8. Jeffrey Pike (Commercial, MD)

  9. Scott Santagata (Science/Research, NY)

  10. Michael Sorrell (Recreational, DE)

  11. David Wallace (Commercial, MD)

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  1. Fred Akers (NGO, NJ)

  2. W Howard Bogan (For-Hire, NJ)

  3. Daniel Farnham, Jr.  (Commercial, NY)

  4. Frank Florio (For-Hire, NJ)

  5. Carl Forsberg (For-Hire, NY)

  6. Frank Green (Commercial, NY)

  7. Michael Johnson (Commercial, NJ)

  8. Charles Laurens (For-Hire, VA)

  9. Chris Lido (For-Hire, NJ)

  10. Brady Lybarger (Commercial, NJ)

  11. Bennett Mumford (Commercial, MD)

  12. Laurie Nolan (Commercial, NY)

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River Herring and Shad

  1. Fred Akers (NGO, NJ)

  2. Katie Almeida (Commercial, MA)

  3. Mark Binsted (Recreational, DC)

  4. Allison Colden (NGO, MD)

  5. Mari-Beth Delucia (NGO, PA)

  6. Gregory DiDomenico (Commercial, VA)

  7. Frank Florio (For-Hire, NJ)

  8. Jeff Kaelin (Commercial, NJ)

  9. Meghan Lapp (Commercial, RI)

  10. William Mandulak (Recreational, NC)

  11. Peter Moore (Science/Research, ME)

  12. David O'Neill (Other, PA)

  13. Michael Sorrell (Recreational, DE)

  14. Nicholas Spivey (Recreational, NC)

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Ecosystem and Ocean Planning

  1. Fred Akers (NGO, NJ)

  2. Eleanor Bochenek (Science/Research, NJ)

  3. Bonnie Brady (Commercial, NY)

  4. Allison Colden (NGO, MD)

  5. Jeff Deem (Recreational, VA)

  6. Jeremy Firestone (Science/Research, DE)

  7. Jeremy Hancher (Recreational, PA)

  8. Fiona Hogan (Science/Research, MA)

  9. Todd Janeski (Science/Research, VA)

  10. Paula Jasinski (Other, VA)

  11. Jeff Kaelin (Commercial, NJ)

  12. Rob Kramer (NGO, FL)

  13. Meghan Lapp (Commercial, RI)

  14. Carl Lobue (NGO, NY)

  15. John Mannix (For-Hire, NY)

  16. Adam Nowalsky (For-Hire, NJ)

  17. Jay Odell (NGO, VA)

  18. David O'Neill (Other, PA)

  19. Will Poston (Recreational, DC)

  20. Philip Simon (Recreational, NJ)

  21. David Wallace (Commercial, MD)

  22. Judith Weis (Science/Research, NY)

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Communication and Outreach

  1. Joseph Beneventine (Recreational, NY)

  2. Mark Binsted (Recreational, DC)

  3. Bonnie Brady (Commercial, NY)

  4. David Cope (Recreational, MD)

  5. Patricia Cossard (Science/Research, MD)

  6. James Dopkin (Commercial, NJ)

  7. Kenneth Flornes (Other, NY)

  8. Kara Gross (Other, MA)

  9. Fiona Hogan (Science/Research, MA)

  10. Paula Jasinski (Other, VA)

  11. Chris Lido (For-Hire, NJ)

  12. John Mannix (For-Hire, NY)

  13. Adam Nowalsky (For-Hire, NJ)

  14. Robert Pride (Recreational, VA)

  15. Matthew Seeley (NGO, VA)

  16. Judith Weis (Science/Research, NY)

  17. Steven Witthuhn (For-Hire, NY)

  18. Douglas Zemeckis (Science/Research, NJ)

Northeast Trawl Advisory Panel (NTAP)


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