A recent study of global fish populations suggests that fast-growing species of fish are more vulnerable to population collapses than slow growing species when experiencing overfishing.
NOAA Fisheries Announces 2015 Annual Catch Limits for Atlantic Bluefish
August Council Meeting Agenda
Request For Proposals: Habitat Research (Due August 21)
NEFSC to Hold Industry Outreach Meetings to Review Upcoming Groundfish Assessments
Mid-Atlantic Council Seeks Applicants for Trawl Survey Advisory Panel
SAFMC Draft Vision Blueprint for the Snapper Grouper Fishery Now Available for Public Input
The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council is asking stakeholders to provide input on a draft vision blueprint for the snapper grouper fishery during a series of webinars and comment station meetings from July through September 2015. Learn more here.
June 2015 Council Meeting Summary
U.S. Commerce Department Announces 2015 Regional Fishery Council Appointments
Recreational Management Measures for the Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Fisheries; Fishing Year 2015
Mid-Atlantic Council Approves Deep Sea Corals Amendment
Vessel Opportunity for Trawl Research Charter with the NEFSC Survey Branch - Deadline June 17, 2015
The Northeast Fisheries Science Center is seeking a charter vessel partner to participate in a cooperative research study to estimate trawl gear capture efficiency in order to improve assessments of commercially important fish populations in the Northwest Atlantic. The deadline for quotes is June 13.
Special Management Zones for Delaware Artificial Reefs
NMFS has issued final regulations to implement Special Management Zones for four Delaware artificial reefs
Listening Session: Proposed Rule to Revise Listing Status of Humpback Whales
Emergency Action for Blueline Tilefish in Greater Atlantic Region Effective June 4
Notice of Availability: Omnibus Amendment To Simplify Vessel Baselines
April 2015 Council Meeting Summary
Proposed Rule: Consequences for Slippage Events in the Atlantic Mackerel Fishery
Council Meeting in Virginia Beach, VA: June 8-11, 2015
Request for Proposals: Cost Estimates for Herring and Mackerel Monitoring Programs (Due May 29)
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council is seeking proposals from fishery monitoring service providers to develop detailed cost analyses for proposed portside and at-sea monitoring programs. Download the RFP.