During 2018, the Northeast Fisheries Science Center will be conducting a benchmark stock assessment for summer flounder.
Paperwork Reduction Act Request for Comments: Sea turtles in Virginia pound nets data collection
NMFS published a notice in the Federal Register on April 16, 2018 (83 FR 16329) requesting comments on a renewal for collection of information requirements under the Paperwork Reduction Act. This collection of information involves the requirement for Virginia pound net fishermen to report interactions with endangered and threatened sea turtles, found both live and dead, in their pound net operations to NMFS and if necessary, the appropriate rehabilitation and stranding network. The comment period closes June 15, 2018. For additional information please contact Carrie Upite at (978) 282-8475 or email at Carrie.Upite@noaa.gov.
Click here to read the full notice in the federal register.
NOAA Fisheries Seeks Comments on Proposed 2018 Recreational Rules for Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass
NOAA Fisheries Announces the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Acceptable Biological Catch Omnibus Framework Adjustment
April 10, 2018 – The following was released by NOAA Fisheries Greater Atlantic Regional Office:
NOAA Fisheries announces three administrative changes to the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s processes in setting catch limits though the Acceptable Biological Catch Omnibus Framework Adjustment:
- The Council may now recommend multi-year Acceptable Biological Catch (ABC) limits for Mid-Atlantic fisheries, which may bring greater stability and predictability to the fishing industry;
- The Atlantic Bluefish, Tilefish, and Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fishery Management Plans will now automatically incorporate the best available scientific information in calculating ABCs (as all other Mid-Atlantic management plans do) rather than requiring a separate management action to adopt them; and
- New language clarifies the process for setting ABCs for each of the four types of ABC control rules.
To get all the details on these management changes, read the final rule as filed in the Federal Register today.
- Fishing Industry Contact: Erin Wilkinson, Headquarters Office, 301-427-8561
- Media: Jennifer Goebel, Regional Office, 978-281-9175
National Fish Habitat Partnership Releases "Our Story" Video Reflecting on 10 Years of Habitat Protection
Newly Added Species to be Reported in Vessel Trip Reports
NOAA Fisheries Seeks Comments on Modified Scope of Summer Flounder Amendment
BOEM to Hold Open House During April Council Meeting in Montauk, NY
BOEM’s Office of Renewable Energy Programs will hold an open house on April 10 and 11 during the April Council Meeting in Montauk, NY to gather feedback on recently proposed commercial offshore renewable energy projects and other related topics.
April 2018 Council Meeting Agenda
Mid-Atlantic Council Seeking Applicants for Advisory Panels
Scientific and Statistical Committee to Meet March 13-14, 2018
The Council’s SSC will meet March 13-14, 2018 in Baltimore, Maryland. Topics to be discussed include blueline and golden tilefish specifications, NEFSC clam dredge survey redesign, NEFSC State of the Ecosystem Report, and a discussion paper on coefficients of variation for estimates of the overfishing limit.