Captain Dewey Hemilright Honored with Mid-Atlantic Council’s Ricks E Savage Award

Dewey Hemilright (left) with Council Chair Wes Townsend

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council has named Captain Dewey Hemilright, commercial fisherman and former Council member, as the recipient of the Ricks E Savage award. The award, which was presented during the Council’s December meeting in Annapolis, Maryland, is given annually to an individual who has made exceptional contributions to the management and conservation of fishery resources in the mid-Atlantic region.

Based out of Wanchese, North Carolina, Captain Hemilright is the owner/operator of the F/V Tarbaby. He was first appointed to the Council in 2012 to fill a mid-term vacancy and was reappointed for three additional full terms, serving for a total of 11 years. During this time, his on-the-water expertise and deep knowledge of the East coast fisheries enriched Council discussions and provided crucial perspective on how management decisions impact fishing communities.

“Dewey asked insightful questions and consistently shared his wealth of knowledge and experience with the Council and stakeholders,” said Council Chair Wes Townsend. “While he often served as a voice for the U.S. fishing industry, he did an outstanding job of balancing the interests of commercial fisheries and the sustainable management of the resources as required under the Magnuson-Stevens Act.”

Captain Hemilright chaired the Council’s Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Committee for seven years and served on most of the Council’s other committees at different times. He also represented the Council in other key roles, most notably as liaison to the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council and representative on NOAA Fisheries’ HMS Advisory Panel.

The Council extends its gratitude to Captain Hemilright for his years of service and congratulates him on this well-deserved honor.

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December 2024 Council Meeting Summary

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council met December 10-12, 2024, in Annapolis, Maryland. The following is a summary of actions taken and issues considered during the meeting. Presentations, briefing materials, motions, and webinar recordings are available on the Council’s December 2024 meeting page.


During this meeting, the Council:

  • Finalized an amendment to modify the species separation requirements for the Atlantic surfclam and ocean quahog fisheries

  • Reviewed previously adopted recreational measures for summer flounder and scup and determined that no changes are needed for either species in 2025*

  • Adopted status quo recreational management measures for black sea bass in 2025*  

  • Approved a scoping document for the Recreational Sector Separation and Data Collection Amendment*

  • Set the spiny dogfish acceptable biological catch for 2025 equal to the overfishing limit (the maximum legally possible), resulting in a commercial quota of about 9.3 million pounds

  • Adopted a more flexible minimum mesh requirement for directed butterfish fishing

  • Reviewed the final 2024 EAFM risk assessment report, which incorporates a number of recent updates and improvements

  • Approved a Comprehensive Five-Year (2025-2029) Research Priorities document

  • Approved the 2025 Implementation Plan

  • Reviewed the results of a Council-funded project that has developed a hub for river herring and shad run data

  • Endorsed recommendations from the Highly Migratory Species Committee regarding the NOAA Fisheries Atlantic HMS Proposed Rule for Electronic Reporting

  • Presented the Ricks E Savage Award to former Council member Dewey Hemilright

* Items denoted with an asterisk (*) were undertaken during joint meetings with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass Management Board or Interstate Fisheries Management Program Policy Board


Atlantic Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Species Separation Requirements Amendment

The Council took final action on the Atlantic Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Species Separation Requirements Amendment. After considering the outcomes from the October 2024 Species Separation Requirements Amendment Implementation Issues Workshop, the Council selected modified Alternative 5 (Increased Observer Coverage and Self-reported Discards; Mixed Trips Sort at Dealer with NOAA Catch Monitors) as the preferred alternative. Alternative 5 would allow for mixed surfclam and quahog species trips with sorting of mixed catch at the dealer, implement a new NOAA shoreside (dealer/processing plant-based) catch monitoring program, improve discard estimation via a combination of improved vessel reporting and increased observer coverage, and modify the allocation tracking and tagging system, among other changes to regulations. The Council will submit the amendment to the Secretary of Commerce for review and rulemaking. Additional details are provided in the press release linked below.

2025 Recreational Management Measures for Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass

The Council met jointly with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Management Board (Board) to consider 2025 recreational management measures (i.e., bag, size, and season limits) for summer flounder, scup, and black sea bass.

Summer Flounder and Scup

The Council and Board reviewed previously adopted recreational measures for summer flounder and scup and determined that no changes are needed for either species in 2025. Last year, the Council and Board adopted two-year recreational measures for summer flounder and scup following the Percent Change Approach implemented through Framework 17/Addendum XXXIV. For summer flounder, a 28% reduction in harvest was required, which was taken via adjustments to 2024-2025 state waters measures under conservation equivalency. For scup, a 10% reduction in harvest was required, which was taken via adjustments to 2024-2025 state waters measures. The intent of the Percent Change Approach is to hold measures constant across both years unless new data suggest a major change in the expected impacts of those measures on the stock or the fishery.

For summer flounder, state measures under regional conservation equivalency are expected to remain the same as in 2024, as described in the staff memo for recreational summer flounder measures.  For scup, state and federal measures are expected to remain the same as in 2024, as described in the staff memo for recreational scup measures.

Black Sea Bass

Unlike summer flounder and scup, black sea bass recreational measures were not previously adopted for 2025. The Council and Board agreed to maintain status quo recreational measures in 2025 given that the recreational harvest limit (RHL) is unchanged compared to 2024, stock status remains positive, and an updated assessment will be available next year to inform the setting of 2026-2027 measures. Status quo includes continuing to waive the federal waters measures in favor of state waters measures through conservation equivalency. More details are provided in the staff memo. If states wish to consider slight season adjustments under the status quo approach (e.g., to maintain a Saturday opening), those proposals must be approved by the Board.

Recreational Sector Separation and Data Collection Amendment

The Council met jointly with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Interstate Fishery Management Program Policy Board (Policy Board) to consider approval of a draft scoping document/Public Information Document (PID) for the Recreational Sector Separation and Data Collection Amendment to the Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass and Bluefish Fishery Management Plans. This action, previously referred to as the “Recreational Sector Separation and Catch Accounting Amendment,” was initiated in 2020 as part of the Recreational Reform Initiative, but has been on hold since that time to prioritize other management actions. The amendment will (1) explore options for managing for-hire and private/rental recreational fisheries separately (referred to as sector separation), and (2) consider approaches to improve or supplement the collection and use of recreational data that support management decisions for these species. 

The Council and Policy Board approved the scoping document/PID, with minor modifications, for public comment in early 2025. As the first step in the Council and Commission’s amendment process, scoping will provide an opportunity for the public to identify major issues and potential management approaches that should be explored during the development of this amendment. Following the initial phase of information gathering and public comment, the Council and Policy Board will identify categories of alternatives for further development.

The final scoping document will be available on the Council's website in early 2025, along with an announcement of the scoping hearing schedule and written comment instructions.

2025 Spiny Dogfish Specifications

The Council adopted 2025 specifications that would set the spiny dogfish acceptable biological catch (ABC) equal to the overfishing limit (OFL) for the 2025 fishing year. This is the highest catch legally allowed under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA), and results in the highest quota possible. The resulting specifications, if implemented by NOAA Fisheries, would result in a commercial quota of about 9.3 million pounds (a 9% reduction from the 2024 quota but almost 10% higher than last year’s (2023) landings). The Northeast Fisheries Science Center will conduct new projections in 2025 for the 2026 and 2027 fishing years, and a management track stock assessment will be conducted in 2027 for setting 2028-2031 specifications.

Butterfish Mesh Requirements

After considering recommendations from its Law Enforcement Committee, the Council voted to modify the butterfish mesh regulations to allow square mesh greater than 2 5/8 inches for directed butterfish fishing. Current regulations require a minimum mesh size of 3-inch diamond or 3-inch square mesh to possess more than 5,000 pounds of butterfish. The proposed modification was supported by research conducted by the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County, NY and by input from industry about their experience with different mesh configurations, both indicating that the change would add flexibility for fishermen while still reducing the retention of juvenile butterfish. The Council did not recommend any changes to the 3-inch minimum mesh size for diamond mesh. If implemented by NOAA Fisheries, the change would apply to vessels with moratorium butterfish permits and could be effective in early to mid 2025.  

2024 Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) Risk Assessment

The Council reviewed the final 2024 EAFM risk assessment report. Risk assessment is the first step in the Council’s EAFM structured decision process to incorporate species, fleet, habitat, and climate interactions into management. The risk assessment report is typically updated each spring to provide a snapshot of the current risks to meeting the management objectives and helps the Council decide where to focus limited resources to address priority ecosystem considerations in its science and management programs. The 2024 risk assessment report incorporates the changes and updates approved by the Council following the 2023 comprehensive review and recent recommendations provided by the Ecosystem and Ocean Planning (EOP) Committee and Advisory Panel on elements that needed further refinement and development. The 2025 EAFM risk assessment will be presented to the Council in April and will incorporate the latest information, including updated indicators from the 2025 Mid-Atlantic State of the Ecosystem report.

2025-2029 Research Priorities

The Council reviewed and approved the Comprehensive Five-Year (2025-2029) Research Priorities document. This is the Council’s fourth research priorities document since the 2006 re-authorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Act required each of the regional councils to identify five-year research priorities. The 2025-2029 research priorities document builds off the organizational and prioritization framework implemented during the development of the 2020-2024 document and has been updated to incorporate the extensive input received throughout 2024. The broad research themes and species-specific priorities included in the new document reflect the current state of scientific knowledge and the Council’s management challenges and science needs.

2025 Implementation Plan

The Council approved the 2025 Implementation Plan after making several revisions. The plan lists activities and priorities for the coming year and is linked to the Council’s strategic plan. The Council agreed to add a new deliverable which will task the Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) with development of a white paper on the scientific considerations of developing separate overfishing limits (OFLs) and Acceptable Biological Catches (ABCs) for the commercial and recreational sectors for the summer flounder, scup, and black sea bass fisheries. The Council also agreed to add the following items to the list of “Possible Additions” for 2025: (1) Develop guidance to address circumstances under which the Council could consider suspension of its Risk Policy, and (2) Develop a white paper to explore potential Council and NOAA Fisheries involvement in surfclam stock enhancement efforts in the New York Bight and Central Atlantic. The final implementation plan will be posted on the Council’s website at once available.

Manomet River Herring Portal

Staff from Manomet presented the results of a Council-funded project that has developed a hub for river herring and shad run data. Manomet is finalizing several features of the web-based portal and will be conducting outreach in 2025 to gather additional run data from east coast entities that would like their data to be available, as well as to make potential users aware of the portal’s features. Emily Farr of Manomet ( can be contacted for more information.

Highly Migratory Species

The Council reviewed recommendations from its Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Committee regarding the NOAA Fisheries Atlantic HMS Proposed Rule for Electronic Reporting. The proposed action would modify and/or expand reporting requirements for Atlantic HMS, including reporting by commercial, for-hire, and private recreational vessel owners and dealers. The Committee supported some of the agency’s preferred alternatives but expressed substantial concern with the preferred alternatives identified for the HMS commercial and for-hire open access permits (i.e., Atlantic Tunas General and Harpoon Category, Swordfish General Commercial, and HMS Charter/Headboat Permits). The Council endorsed the Committee’s comments and directed staff to submit a comment letter before the comment deadline.

Ricks E Savage Award

Dewey Hemilright (left) with Council Chairman Wes Townsend

Captain Dewey Hemilright was presented with the Council’s Ricks E Savage Award. The award is given each year to a person who has added value to the Council process and management goals through significant scientific, legislative, enforcement, or management activities. He was appointed to the Council in 2012 to fill a mid-term vacancy as an obligatory member from the state of North Carolina. He went on to serve three additional full terms, for a total of 11 years. With more than three decades of commercial fishing experience, Dewey brought valuable on-the-water perspective to Council discussions and helped managers understand how potential management decisions would affect people's lives and livelihoods. “Dewey asked great questions and was always willing to share his own knowledge and experience with the Council and others,” said Council Chair Wes Townsend. “While he often served as a voice for the U.S. fishing industry, he did an outstanding job of balancing the interests of commercial fisheries and the sustainable management of the resources as required under Magnuson.” Dewey served as chair of the Council’s Highly Migratory Species Committee for seven years and participated on most of the Council’s other committees at different times. He also served as liaison to the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council and as Council representative on the NMFS HMS Advisory Panel.

Recreational Tilefish Permitting and Reporting – Enforcement Update

A representative from NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement reported that a New Jersey based recreational vessel operator was recently issued a $500 fine for possession of a blueline tilefish without the required permit. As a reminder, recreational anglers fishing for golden and blueline tilefish north of the North Carolina/Virginia border are required to have a free recreational tilefish permit and submit a trip report within 24 hours of returning to port from any trip where tilefish were targeted (even if none were caught or kept). These requirements are intended to help improve our understanding of recreational tilefish catch and effort. Consistent and accurate reporting by recreational fishermen helps ensure the long-term sustainability of the tilefish fisheries. Additional information about private recreational tilefish permitting and reporting requirements is available on the Council’s website or in this flyer.

Upcoming Meetings

The 2025 Council Meeting Schedule is available here. Please note that the dates for the June and December meetings have been revised. The June meeting will be held June 3-5, 2025 (a week earlier than originally scheduled), and the December meeting will be held December 15-18, 2025 (a week later than originally scheduled). A complete list of upcoming meetings can be found at

The next Council meeting will be held via webinar February 11-12, 2025.

Reminder: Recreational Tilefish Permitting and Reporting Requirements

During the December Council Meeting, a representative from NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement reported that a New Jersey based recreational vessel operator was recently issued a $500 fine for possession of a blueline tilefish without the required permit. As a reminder, if you own or operate a private recreational vessel and target tilefish from Virginia northward, you must have a recreational tilefish permit and submit a trip report within 24 hours of returning to port from any trip where tilefish were targeted (even if none were caught or kept). These rules also apply to for-hire vessels taking private recreational trips.

  • Get a permit: To apply for a permit, visit the NOAA Fisheries’ Fish Online website, create an account, and select “Initial Private Recreational Tilefish Permit.” Please note that this is a vessel permit – you only need one if you are the owner or operator of the vessel.

  • Report your catch: Several electronic vessel trip reporting (eVTR) applications are available to choose from. Visit the eVTR Software Options page to learn more.

These requirements were implemented because we do not currently have good estimates of how many golden and blueline tilefish are being caught by recreational anglers each year. Consistent and accurate reporting helps ensure the long-term sustainability of the tilefish fisheries.

Fishing for or keeping tilefish without a permit can result in a civil violation of $500. If you think there’s a chance you might target tilefish – even on a trip for another species such as tuna or swordfish – you should apply for a free permit and select an electronic reporting application.

Visit the Council’s Recreational Tilefish Permitting and Reporting page to learn more.

NOAA Fisheries Announces Final Rule to Implement Joint Monkfish and Spiny Dogfish Framework

NOAA Fisheries has approved Framework Adjustment 15 to the Monkfish FMP/Framework Adjustment 6 to the Spiny dogfish FMP. This action implements area-based gear restrictions to reduce bycatch of Atlantic sturgeon in the gillnet fisheries for monkfish and spiny dogfish.

Request for Nominations: Scientific and Statistical Committee – Apply by Jan. 17

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) is seeking qualified candidates for two openings on its Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC). Successful candidates will serve a three-year appointment beginning in March of 2025.

The SSC serves as the Council’s primary scientific/technical advisory body and provides independent scientific advice for fishery management decisions, including recommendations for acceptable biological catch and rebuilding targets. The SSC also provides science advice and information on stock status, bycatch, habitat, social and economic impacts of management measures, and research priorities. SSC members are also expected to serve on various technical working groups and peer review panels. The SSC typically meets 4-5 times per year, with meetings lasting from one to three days. Meetings may be held in-person or via webinar, and in-person meetings are usually held in the Mid-Atlantic region (e.g., Philadelphia, PA or Baltimore, MD).

Membership is composed of state and federal employees, academia, and independent experts with scientific and technical expertise in biology, statistics, stock assessments, economics, social science, and other relevant disciplines. Highly qualified candidates from all relevant fields are encouraged to apply. Special consideration will be given to applicants with expertise in fisheries ecology and life history, forage fish biology, recreational fisheries, survey design, and stock assessments.

Individuals interested in applying for nomination to the SSC must submit a current curriculum vitae (CV) or resume and a brief letter describing qualifications, relevant experience, and reason for interest in joining the SSC. All applications received will be reviewed by the Council’s Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will recommend up to two applicants for consideration and approval by the full Council.  

Applications and materials may be submitted by email to Dr. Chris Moore, Executive Director, at All applications must be received by 5:00 P.M. on Friday, January 17, 2025. If you have any questions or need further information about the process, please contact Brandon Muffley at; 302-526-5260. Additional information about the SSC is available at

December 18, 2024 - Atlantic Sea Scallop Research Track Assessment Community Engagement Meeting

The Atlantic Sea Scallop Research Track Assessment Community Engagement Meeting will be held in person in New Bedford at the Waypoint Event Center with a webinar option for those who cannot attend in person. In-person attendance is highly encouraged.

The Waypoint Event Center is attached to the Fairfield Inn and Suites, New Bedford. 185 MacArthur Drive, New Bedford, MA 02740. Sea Loft Room (2nd floor). Meeting participants can use the joint parking lot. There is no charge for parking on site.

If you plan to attend by webinar, you will need to register using this link.

For more information please visit the New England Fishery Management Council's Atlantic Sea Scallop page. The Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Atlantic Sea Scallop Research Track Working Group webpage is located here.

Council Coordinating Committee Solicits Proposals for the Development of a Series of Videos to Celebrate 50-Years of Federal Fisheries Management – Proposals due Jan. 10

The Council Coordination Committee (CCC), on behalf of the eight U.S. regional fishery management councils, has issued a Request for Proposals to develop a series of eight short videos and one long video that tells the story of federal fisheries management through the eyes of those who live it every day.  The contractor will be tasked with developing a minimum of eight short videos centered around interviews of federal fishermen and associated fisheries in each of the eight fishery management council regions.  The interviews will highlight successes in various commercial and recreational fisheries identified by each regional management council.  The contractor will also be tasked with developing an umbrella video that highlights the diversity and successes of federal fisheries management, the council system, and the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act.

This project should be completed by the end of 2025 and a maximum of $185,000 is available to fund the work.

The Request for Proposals including the full scope of work can be found here.

Proposals Submission Deadline: 5:00 PM, PST on January 10, 2025.

Contact us at with questions.

Mid-Atlantic and New England Fishery Management Councils Seek Industry Representatives for the Northeast Trawl Advisory Panel – Apply by Dec. 31

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council and New England Fishery Management Council are seeking applications from fishing industry representatives to fill two open seats on the Northeast Trawl Advisory Panel (NTAP). Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 31, 2024.

NTAP is a joint advisory panel of the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils. The primary purpose of the panel is to provide advice and direction on the conduct of trawl research in the northeast region, with a focus on the multispecies bottom trawl survey conducted by NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC). NTAP also discusses and recommends research priorities, and members frequently participate in recommended research projects. NTAP has guided multiple studies that have improved information used in stock assessments.

The twenty-member panel includes Mid-Atlantic and New England Council members, scientists and fishing industry representatives appointed by each Council, representatives of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, and NEFSC staff. Applications are currently being sought to fill the following open seats:

  • One fishing industry representative appointed by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council

  • One fishing industry representative appointed by the New England Fishery Management Council

Individuals with expertise in gear design and construction, trawl gear efficiency, trawl mensuration, commercial trawl fisheries, or survey design are encouraged to apply.

Applications can be downloaded at The completed application should be submitted to by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 31, 2024.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Hannah Hart, Mid-Atlantic Council staff, at or (302) 526-5263.

Public Hearings Scheduled for Recreational Measures Setting Process Framework/Addenda

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (Commission) are considering changes to the process for setting recreational management measures (bag, size, and season limits) for bluefish, summer flounder, scup, and black sea bass. The Council is considering these changes through a framework action, and the Commission is considering an identical set of options through draft addenda.

The Framework/Draft Addenda are intended to establish a process that will replace the currently used Percent Change Approach implemented through the Harvest Control Rule Framework/Addenda, which will sunset at the end of 2025. The Commission’s Draft Document for Public Comment provides detailed information about the specific management options under consideration. The option that is ultimately selected by the Council and Commission will be used to set recreational management measures for 2026 and beyond.

Public Hearings

The Commission has scheduled a series of public hearings to gather input on its Draft Addenda. Although the Council’s framework development process does not include public hearings, all public comments provided during the Commission’s comment period will be considered by both groups before taking final action. All those interested in the management of the recreational summer flounder, scup, black sea bass, and bluefish fisheries are encouraged to provide input during any of five public hearings to be held between January 14 and January 29, 2025. Written comments may be submitted through February 15, 2025. Please see the Commission’s press release for a hearing schedule and instructions for submitting comments.

Learn More

The Council’s Recreational Measures Setting Process Framework/Addenda page contains further details, including an action development timeline and links to relevant background documents.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Julia Beaty ( or Chelsea Tuohy (

Cornell Cooperative Extension to Hold Workshop on Scup Gear Restricted Areas

The workshop will be held Wednesday, November 20, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., at three in-person locations in New York, Rhode Island, and New Jersey. A webinar option will also be available.

Mid-Atlantic Council Seeks Contractor to Develop Climate-Ready Updates to Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Source Documents – Proposals due Dec. 20

The Mid‐Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) is seeking a contractor(s) to update and develop Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) source documents for all Federally managed species in the Northeast. The proposal submission deadline is December 20, 2024.

Background: The regional fishery management councils are required under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act to identify and describe EFH for all federally managed species. In the past, the Northeast Fisheries Science Center has compiled information on the distribution, abundance, and habitat requirements for each species managed by the Mid-Atlantic and New England Councils. These documents, referred to as “EFH source documents,” provide foundational information to support EFH reviews and designations. In addition to describing habitat requirements, these documents present information on all aspects of fish life history and ecology, including food habits, predator-prey dynamics, movement/migration, and stock genetics/structure. Although EFH source documents continue to be used by managers and researchers, they have not been revised or updated since the mid-2000s.

The goal of this project is to update EFH source documents for all Federally managed species to include new information on life history and ecology, distribution, habitat requirements, and climate impacts. These updates will ensure that EFH designations, consultations, and management decisions are guided by the most up-to-date science, supporting resilient, climate-ready fisheries across the Northeast US.

Scope of Work: The contractor(s) will conduct in-depth literature reviews and update all sections of the EFH source documents for all species currently managed by the Mid-Atlantic and New England Councils. EFH source documents were not previously prepared for a small number of managed species and will therefore need to be newly developed. The structure for the new and updated source documents will be developed by the contractor and approved by a project oversight team. Climate change adaptation is a focus area for both Councils. New and updated source documents should be “climate ready” in the sense that they should reflect any research literature that explains recent spatial changes in fish habitat use or adjustments to timing of activities such as spawning or migration.

Additional Information: Complete details about the project, contractor qualifications, and proposal submission instructions can be found in the request for proposals (RFP).

October 2024 Council Meeting Summary

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council met October 8-10, 2024, in Dewey Beach, DE. The following is a summary of actions taken and issues considered during the meeting. Presentations, briefing materials, motions, and webinar recordings are available at


During this meeting, the Council:

  • Reviewed and approved a strategic plan for 2025-2029

  • Adopted butterfish specifications for 2025-2026

  • Recommended status quo 2025 specifications for Atlantic mackerel in 2025

  • Deferred action on 2025 spiny dogfish specifications pending further consideration by the Scientific and Statistical Committee

  • Received an update on the private recreational tilefish permitting and reporting program and considered recommendations for improving angler awareness and compliance

  • Recommended that NOAA Fisheries pause soliciting for new monkfish RSA projects until the program’s underlying economic and programmatic issues are addressed

  • Received a presentation on a proposed rule to modify and/or expand reporting requirements for Atlantic HMS species and agreed to submit comments

  • Received an overview of draft outcomes, recommendations, and possible action items from the 8th National Scientific Coordination Subcommittee (SCS) Workshop

  • Received presentations on several topics related to offshore wind energy development

  • Received an update from the NOAA Fisheries regional office on habitat and offshore wind activities of interest in the Mid-Atlantic region

  • Approved several changes to the guidelines for the Council’s three awards

  • Reviewed and provided feedback on proposed actions and deliverables for the 2025 Implementation Plan (Executive Committee)

2025-2029 Strategic Plan

The Council reviewed and approved a strategic plan for 2025-2029. The plan builds upon the foundation of the 2020-2024 plan, integrating lessons learned, progress achieved, and input from Council members and stakeholders. The document is organized around five goal areas: Communication, Science, Management, Ecosystem and Governance. The Council will use the plan to guide its management activities and operations over the next five years. The final document will be posted at in the coming weeks.

2025-2026 Butterfish Specifications

The Council reviewed the stock status and performance of the butterfish fishery and adopted multi-year specifications for 2025-2026. Based on the recommendations provided by the Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC), the Council adopted Acceptable Biological Catches (ABC) of 17,115 metric tons (MT) for 2025 and 13,842 MT for 2026. These ABCs are products of the Council’s risk policy and projections using the 2024 management track assessment, which found the butterfish stock is above its target biomass. The Council is removing a 5% management uncertainty buffer given catches appear well constrained. After potential discards are deducted, the commercial quotas would be 11,324 MT (25.0 million pounds) in 2025 and 8,051 MT (17.7 million pounds) in 2026 (both substantially above recent landings).

The Council also considered a modification to the butterfish mesh regulations to add flexibility in the types of mesh that can be used for directed fishing. The Council deferred action until the next meeting after NMFS raised concerns about enforcement’s ability to discern differences in some relevant mesh configurations. A Law Enforcement Committee meeting will be held in November 2024 to further evaluate any issues.

2025 Atlantic Mackerel Specifications

The Council reviewed the stock status and performance of the Atlantic mackerel fishery and recommended maintaining the previously adopted 2025 specifications and management measures, including a commercial quota of 868 MT. Next year’s 2025 stock assessment will assess rebuilding progress and will be used to inform 2026-2027 specifications.

2025 Spiny Dogfish Specifications

The Council reviewed the stock status and performance of the spiny dogfish fishery and deferred action on modifying 2025 spiny dogfish specifications until the next meeting. Updated catch information led to lower projections for 2025, and industry provided input that the resulting lower quotas could collapse the spiny dogfish fishery by forcing the last processor out of business. The Council requested its SSC calculate an ABC equal to the catch associated with a 50% probability of overfishing under a suspension of the Council’s risk policy (which would otherwise dictate a lower 46% chance of overfishing and a lower catch). 

Private Recreational Tilefish Permitting, Reporting, and Program Evaluation

In August 2020, new recreational permitting and reporting requirements were introduced for private tilefish anglers. During this meeting, the Council received several presentations offering key insights into the program's performance and areas for improvement. These included an overview of the Council’s historical and recent efforts, followed by an update from the Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO) on the current status of permitting and reporting. The GARFO update  provided detailed information on the number of permits issued, recreational trips taken, and landings reported since the program's inception.

Dr. Willy Goldsmith (Pelagic Strategies) and Jill Stevenson (Stevenson Sustainability Consulting) also presented a final evaluation of the angler permit and reporting program. The report highlighted significant gaps in the program, pointing to persistently low compliance and annual reporting rates. The evaluation provided actionable recommendations for enhancing the program’s effectiveness.

Following the presentations and subsequent discussion, the Council endorsed several recommendations identified through program evaluation final report.  These recommendations will be incorporated into the Council’s 2025 Implementation Plan, aiming to address the identified challenges and improve the overall compliance and efficiency of the tilefish permitting and reporting program.

Monkfish Fishery Performance Report and Monkfish Research Set Aside Improvements

The Council reviewed recent monkfish fishery performance and several ongoing efforts to improve the Monkfish Research Set Aside (RSA) program. The Council mirrored a motion from the New England Fishery Management Council recommending that NMFS pause soliciting for new monkfish RSA projects until the program’s underlying economic and programmatic issues are addressed. The Councils also requested that NMFS consider letting the two current Monkfish RSA projects continue selling RSA days-at-sea into 2025 and 2026 to fund their work on developing monkfish catch per unit of effort (CPUE) indices in support of upcoming assessments.

Proposed Rule: Electronic Reporting Requirements for Atlantic Highly Migratory Species

Guy DuBeck and Karyl Brewster-Geisz from NOAA Fisheries Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) presented an update on a recent proposed rule on electronic reporting. The proposed rule is intended to modify and/or expand reporting requirements for Atlantic HMS, including reporting by commercial, for-hire, and private recreational vessel owners and dealers. Following the presentation, the Council agreed it would be important to provided formal written comments on the proposed rule given the Councils existing electronic reporting requirements and the overlap in stakeholders. 

Scientific Coordination Subcommittee 8th National Workshop Outcomes

The Council received an overview of draft outcomes, recommendations, and possible action items from the 8th National Scientific Coordination Subcommittee (SCS) Workshop. The SCS is a subcommittee of the Council Coordination Committee (CCC) and consists of the chairs and other selected members of the SSCs from each of the eight regional fishery management councils. The 8th SCS workshop was hosted by the New England Fishery Management Council and was held on August 26-28, 2024, in Boston, Massachusetts. The theme for the workshop was “Applying Acceptable Biological Catch (ABC) Control Rules in a Changing Environment” with the goal of providing actionable guidance to support the Councils in their management considerations given the environmental change and scientific uncertainty each region is experiencing.  The Council will receive an update on the final workshop recommendations and action items once the proceedings report is available in the spring of 2025.

Offshore Wind Energy Updates

The Council received presentations on several topics related to offshore wind energy development, including updates from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean, the New Jersey Offshore Wind Research and Monitoring Initiative, the Northeast Fisheries Science Center, and the NOAA Fisheries Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office. Council members expressed concern about observations this summer of dead Atlantic croaker near pile driving activities for the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project and dead hake near pile driving activities for Revolution Wind. Council members asked about the causes of these fish kills and how to prevent similar issues in the future. BOEM staff indicated that evaluations of the potential causes, including necropsies, are ongoing. Council members and public comments also expressed concerns that offshore wind energy development may be contributing to reduced squid catches in recent years.

Habitat Updates

Karen Greene, with NOAA Fisheries Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO) Habitat and Ecosystem Services Division (HESD), provided project updates on port development (including Key Bridge collapse recovery efforts), infrastructure, energy, and U.S Army Corps of Engineers federal navigation and civil work projects within the Mid-Atlantic. Of note, the Environmental Protection Agency is considering a possible offshore fishery enhancement beneficial use site using dredged material from the New York Bight, as the Historic Area Remediation Site (HARS) is nearing capacity. In addition, several hydropower dams on the Delaware River and Susquehanna River are under consideration for hydropower retrofits and/or relicensing; HESD is engaging in discussions to ensure safe and efficient upstream and downstream passage of diadromous species, while balancing invasive species concerns. NOAA/US Fish and Wildlife Service also released a guidance document on tidal wetland restoration in the Mid-Atlantic that stresses more holistic marsh restoration approaches.

Council Awards Discussion

The Council approved several changes to the guidelines for the Council’s three awards (Ricks E Savage Award, Award of Excellence, James A. Ruhle Cooperative Research Award). The approved changes are intended to clarify the purpose of each award and improve the nomination and selection procedures. The revised guidelines include updated/expanded award descriptions for the Ricks E Savage Award and the Award of Excellence. Additionally, the Council endorsed staff’s recommendation to shift the timing for the Ricks E Savage Award due to the February meeting being held virtually beginning in 2025. Under the revised process, the Executive Committee will review nominations for the Ricks E Savage Award at the October meeting, and the award will be presented at the December meeting. The revised guidelines also specify that any nominations received throughout the year for the Award of Excellence and Cooperative Research Award will be considered at the October meeting. Additional information about Council awards is available at

Executive Committee – 2025 Implementation Plan

The Executive Committee met to review and provide feedback on a draft list of actions and deliverables for the 2025 Implementation Plan. The Council develops Implementation Plans each year to ensure progress toward achieving the goals and objectives of its 5-year strategic plan. During the meeting, the Committee received a progress update on the 2024 Implementation Plan and then reviewed a draft list of actions and deliverables for 2025. The full Council will review a draft 2025 Implementation Plan at the December meeting.

Next Meeting

The next Council meeting will be held December 9-12, 2024, in Annapolis, Maryland. A complete list of upcoming meetings can be found at

ASMFC and MAFMC Approve Changes to Summer Flounder Commercial Mesh Size Exemptions

PDF Version

Annapolis, MD – The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Management Board (Board) and the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) have jointly approved modifications to two exemptions from the summer flounder commercial minimum mesh size requirements. The Board adopted these changes through Addendum XXXV to the Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Fishery Management Plan, and the Council recommended identical measures through a framework action which will be submitted to the National Marine Fisheries Service for review and implementation. 

Current regulations for the summer flounder trawl fishery require a minimum mesh size of 5.5-inch diamond mesh or 6.0-inch square mesh to retain more than 200 pounds of summer flounder from November through April, or 100 pounds of summer flounder from May through October. The Small Mesh Exemption Program provides an exemption from these requirements for authorized vessels fishing in a designated area from November 1 through April 30. This exemption is designed to allow vessels to retain some bycatch of summer flounder while operating in other small-mesh fisheries. Through this action, the Board and Council agreed to expand the exemption area by moving the boundary of the northern portion of the area approximately five miles west, then connecting the western boundary to the southern scup Gear Restricted Area. While this has the appearance of notably increasing the size of the exemption area, a large portion of the area overlaps with the Frank R. Lautenberg deep sea coral zone, where bottom tending gear is already prohibited. The intent of this change is to increase economic opportunities for industry while continuing to protect the summer flounder stock and prevent regulatory discards.

The Board and Council also voted to implement a tiered monitoring approach for the Small Mesh Exemption Program. Current regulations allow the Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office Regional Administrator to terminate the program for the remainder of the season if vessels fishing under the exemption are discarding on average more than 10%, by weight, of their entire catch of summer flounder per trip. Under the new tiered monitoring approach, the discard trigger will be increased to 25%, and once the trigger is reached, a more detailed review of discards will be conducted to determine whether the exemption should be rescinded. The intent of this review is to allow for a more comprehensive consideration of the drivers of, and appropriate response to, discards.

Finally, the Board and Council approved a revised definition of the term “flynet” as it relates to the flynet exemption from the summer flounder commercial minimum mesh size requirements. The revised definition encompasses similar high-rise net types which have very large mesh in the wings, with mesh size decreasing through the body of the net. These nets are not designed to catch flatfish and generally catch small amounts of summer flounder.

Addendum XXXV, including the map showing the approved boundaries, will be posted at under Management Plans and FMP Reviews once the map is finalized. Updates on the Council’s framework will be posted at

For more information, please contact either Chelsea Tuohy, ASMFC Fishery Management Plan Coordinator at or Kiley Dancy, Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, at

Fact Sheet: Black Sea Bass 2025 Specifications

Fact Sheet: Black Sea Bass 2025 Specifications


  • The black sea bass fishery is jointly managed by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (Commission).

  • The Council develops recommendations for fisheries in federal waters, while the Commission establishes management measures for state waters. Measures adopted by the Commission are final, while the Council’s recommendations must be reviewed and, if approved, implemented by NOAA Fisheries

  • Each year, the Council and Commission work together to develop coastwide specifications (i.e., total allowable catch and harvest levels) with the goal of aligning the management approach for state and federal waters.

  • At their August 2024 meeting, the Council and the Commission’s Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Management Board (Board) were unable to reach agreement on black sea bass specifications for 2025. The Board voted to leave the 2025 specifications the same as 2024, while the Council adopted specifications associated with a 20% reduction in the acceptable biological catch limit (ABC), consistent with the advice of its Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC).

  • In October 2024, NOAA Fisheries published a proposed rule to implement 2025 black sea bass specifications consistent with those adopted by the Commission. If implemented, these specifications would exceed the ABC recommended by the Council and its SSC.

Why did the Council and Commission adopt different specifications?

  • The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA) requires the Council’s SSC to provide scientific advice for fishery management decisions, including recommendations for ABCs, prevention of overfishing, and achieving maximum sustainable yield.

  • The Council’s SSC recommended a 20% reduction in the ABC for 2025 based on the results of the 2024 Black Sea Bass Management Track Stock Assessment.

  • During their August 2024 meeting, the Council and Board discussed uncertainty about the projection methodology as well as concern about the potential socio-economic impacts of a 20% decrease in the ABC.

  • The Council is bound by the MSA requirement to set catch limits which do not exceed the recommendations of its SSC. However, the Commission is not bound by the MSA. Therefore, the Board voted to suspend the typical joint management process for the 2025 black sea bass specifications, allowing them to adopt different catch and landings limits than the Council. The Board then voted to maintain status quo catch and landing limits for 2025. The Council considered also adopting status quo specifications; however, as this would violate the MSA, the Council ultimately agreed to set the 2025 specifications based on the SSC’s recommended 2025 ABC.

How can NOAA Fisheries implement ABCs that exceed the SSC’s recommendations?

  • The MSA requires the Council to set catch limits that do not exceed the ABCs recommended by the SSC. However, that restriction applies only to the Councils, and NOAA Fisheries is able to set an ABC higher than the SSC recommendation in some circumstances.

  • Regulations at 50 CFR 648.143(e) allow the NOAA Fisheries Regional Administrator to take administrative action to address disconnects between Council and Board actions “to achieve alignment through consistent state and Federal measures such that no differential effects occur to Federal permit holders.”

  • As rationale for not implementing the specifications recommended by the Council, NOAA Fisheries notes in the proposed rule that divergent state and Federal quotas "would likely have significant negative socioeconomic impacts on Federal black sea bass permit holders." The proposed rule also notes that the black sea bass stock "is well above the FMP's definition of the biomass capable of producing maximum sustainable yield." 

Why would a 20% reduction in catch limits be needed for an abundant stock?

  • The 2024 Black Sea Bass Management Track Stock Assessment found that the black sea bass stock was not overfished and overfishing was not occurring in 2023. Spawning stock biomass in 2023 was estimated at about 2.19 times the target level, and fishing mortality was estimated to be 23% below the threshold level that defines overfishing.

  • However, projections predicted a sharp decline in biomass in the future. Based on this information, the Council’s SSC recommended an ABC of 13.29 million pounds for 2025. This represents a 20% decrease compared to 2024.

  • The Council and Board questioned the projected decline in future biomass as this is not consistent with the generally increasing trend in biomass seen over the past several years. They also noted that projections based on the previous assessment model for several prior specifications cycles repeatedly predicted similarly sharp declines in biomass which were not realized.

What does this mean for 2025 recreational measures?

  • The Council and Board will decide on the approach for 2025 recreational bag, size, and season limits during their December 2024 meeting. Their decision will be informed by Monitoring Committee and Advisory Panel input, recent fishery information, the requirements of the Fishery Management Plan, and other information as appropriate.

What does this mean for specifications after 2026?

  • The management track assessment will be updated next year, with plans already underway to thoroughly evaluate the projection methodology and make revisions as appropriate. These updates will be used to inform the 2026-2027 catch and landings limits.

MAFMC to Meet Jointly with ASMFC Policy Board and Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Management Board on October 24, 2024

During this meeting, the Council and Policy Board will consider approval of the Recreational Measures Setting Process Framework/Addenda for public comment, and the Council and Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Management Board will consider taking final action on the Summer Flounder Commercial Mesh Exemptions Framework/Addendum.