Additional Information:
Additional Information:
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council is one of eight fishery management councils responsible for the management of marine fisheries in the United States Exclusive Economic Zone. The council develops management plans for twelve species of fish and species off the coast of the Mid-Atlantic region.
The Longfin Inshore Squid working group will hold a hybrid modeling meeting at Woods Hole on March 17-21, 2025. Please visit the Longfin Inshore Squid Research Track Working Group page on the NOAA Fisheries website for an agenda and additional details (scroll down to the “Schedule” section).
Research track assessments evaluate new datasets that can either inform or be used in new or existing stock assessment models. Unlike management track assessments, which are driven by the need to meet specific management timelines, research track assessments are carried out over longer time frames and with fewer requirements for using the most recent data. The research track is intended to be the opportunity for extensive and comprehensive research and analysis.
Working groups carry out the analytical work required for the stock assessment, including developing and implementing the research plan and terms of reference, conducting the necessary research, compiling the results to inform the research track effort, and incorporating other information and public input as appropriate.
After the working group has completed its work, a peer review panel will be convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the research track assessment.
Typically, research track outputs are incorporated into future management track assessments (as opposed to directly informing management decisions). For this reason, research track assessments are often scheduled to have management track assessments in the following year, which ensures immediate application of the research results with the inclusion of the most recent data in a management track assessment.
The New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s Monkfish Advisory Panel will meet jointly with NEFMC’s Skate Advisory Panel on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 from 10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. at the Hampton Inn in South Kingston, RI.
Staff Contact: Jason Didden, 302-526-5254;
Meeting details are available on the New England Council’s meeting page
The New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s Monkfish Committee will meet jointly with NEFMC’s Skate Committee on Thursday, March 20, 2025 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. at the Hampton Inn in South Kingston, RI.
Staff Contact: Jason Didden, 302-526-5254;
Meeting details are available on the New England Council’s meeting page
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s Ecosystem and Ocean Planning (EOP) Committee and Advisory Panel will meet jointly via webinar March 20, 2025 from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
During this meeting the EOP Committee and AP will review a draft of the 2025 Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) risk assessment report.
Staff Contact: Brandon Muffley, 302-526-5250;
Click here to join the March 20th EOP meeting (If prompted, enter Meeting Number: 2338 542 8845; Password: mpP4RtWA6p7)
Phone-Only Access: 1-415-655-0001 (U.S. Toll Free); Access code: 2338 542 8845. Please only use this option if you are not connecting to the webinar on your computer or device. Otherwise follow the audio connection prompts to call in when you join the webinar.
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s and Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass and Bluefish Advisory Panels will hold a joint public meeting via webinar on Tuesday, March 25, 2025 from 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
The objective of this meeting is for the Advisory Panels to discuss the Recreational Sector Separation and Data Collection Amendment to the Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass and Bluefish FMPs.
Staff contact:
Kiley Dancy,, 302-526-5257
Click here to join the webinar. If prompted, enter meeting number 2331 850 0046
After you connect to the webinar, follow the prompts to use your computer, phone, or other device for audio.
If necessary to connect via phone only, you may dial 1-415-655-0001 and enter access code 2331 850 0046. Please only use this option if you are not able to connect to the webinar.
DRAFT public scoping comment summary (to be posted)
Presentation (to be posted)
The Northeast Trawl Advisory Panel Bigelow Contingency Plan Working Group will hold a meeting via webinar on Thursday, March 27, 2025 from 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. During this meeting the working group will continue their discussions on the Industry-Based Survey pilot project.
Click here to join the webinar (If prompted, enter Meeting Number: 2331 235 4547; Password: mvPHkf24J5N)
Phone-Only Access: 1-415-655-0001 (U.S. Toll Free); Access code: 2331 235 4547. Please only use this option if you are not connecting to the webinar on your computer or device. Otherwise follow the audio connection prompts to call in when you join the webinar.
Meeting materials will be shared when available
The Council’s and ASMFC’s joint Fishery Management Action Team (FMAT)/Plan Development Team (PDT) for the Recreational Sector Separation and Catch Accounting Amendment will meet via Webinar on Monday, March 31, 2025 from 1-2:30 pm.
The purpose of this meeting is to review scoping input on the Recreational Sector Separation and Data Collection Amendment to the Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass and Bluefish FMPs.
Click here to join the webinar (If prompted, enter Meeting Number: 2342 388 7654; Password: 2Ad7YApPys3)
Phone-Only Access: 1-415-655-0001 (U.S. Toll Free); Access code: 2342 388 7654. Please only use this option if you are not connecting to the webinar on your computer or device. Otherwise follow the audio connection prompts to call in when you join the webinar.
Fishery Management Action Team (FMAT) meetings are working meetings of the Council, NOAA Fisheries, and Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission staff. The date and time of FMAT meetings are generally posted to the calendar on the Council’s website, sometimes with very little notice. FMAT members may discuss topics listed on the agenda in any order and may also discuss topics not listed. Members of the public may attend FMAT meetings, or listen to the meetings if they are broadcast, but should not expect to participate in the discussion unless the FMAT chair invites public input during a specified public comment period to be noted at the beginning of the meeting. Work carried out by the FMAT is considered during committee and/or Council meetings, during which public comments are encouraged.
Click here if you are having trouble viewing the content of this page.
Please note that the start/end times listed above are approximate, and other details are subject to change. Visit the NEFMC website linked above for the most up-to-date information.
The Northeast Trawl Advisory Panel Bigelow Contingency Plan Working Group will hold a meeting via webinar on Thursday, April 17, 2025 from 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. During this meeting the working group will continue their discussions on the Industry-Based Survey pilot project.
Click here to join the webinar (If prompted, enter Meeting Number: 2331 235 4547; Password: mvPHkf24J5N)
Phone-Only Access: 1-415-655-0001 (U.S. Toll Free); Access code: 2331 235 4547. Please only use this option if you are not connecting to the webinar on your computer or device. Otherwise follow the audio connection prompts to call in when you join the webinar.
Meeting materials will be shared when available
The Council’s Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish (MSB) Advisory Panel (AP) will meet via webinar on Wednesday, April 23, 2025 from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
The MSB AP will develop Fishery Performance Reports for MSB species. The Fishery Performance Reports are considered by the Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) when setting Acceptable Biological Catches (ABC’s).
The MSB Fishery Performance Reports will be addressed in the following order: Chub mackerel, longfin squid, Illex squid, Atlantic mackerel, and then butterfish.
Webinar details will be shared prior to the meeting
Meeting materials will be posted when available
The Northeast Trawl Advisory Panel Bigelow Contingency Plan Working Group will hold a meeting via webinar on Thursday, May 8, 2025 from 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. During this meeting the working group will continue their discussions on the Industry-Based Survey pilot project.
Click here to join the webinar (If prompted, enter Meeting Number: 2331 235 4547; Password: mvPHkf24J5N)
Phone-Only Access: 1-415-655-0001 (U.S. Toll Free); Access code: 2331 235 4547. Please only use this option if you are not connecting to the webinar on your computer or device. Otherwise follow the audio connection prompts to call in when you join the webinar.
Meeting materials will be shared when available
The Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee will meet May 13-14, 2025. This will be an in person meeting with a virtual option. Please note that the timing and topics may change as agendas are finalized. Check this page for updates.
Anticipated Topics:
2026 ABC reviews: Butterfish, Longfin Squid, Golden Tilefish, Atlantic Surfclam, Ocean Quahog
Blueline Tilefish: Joint Tilefish sub-group outcomes, 2026-2028 ABC recommendations
Chub Mackerel: 2026-2028 ABC recommendations
Update from SSC Work Groups – OFL CV, Joint Meeting(s)
Final report/recommendations from 8th National SCS Workshop
The Northeast Trawl Advisory Panel Bigelow Contingency Plan Working Group will hold a meeting via webinar on Thursday, May 29, 2025 from 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. During this meeting the working group will continue their discussions on the Industry-Based Survey pilot project.
Click here to join the webinar (If prompted, enter Meeting Number: 2331 235 4547; Password: mvPHkf24J5N)
Phone-Only Access: 1-415-655-0001 (U.S. Toll Free); Access code: 2331 235 4547. Please only use this option if you are not connecting to the webinar on your computer or device. Otherwise follow the audio connection prompts to call in when you join the webinar.
Meeting materials will be shared when available
Additional details will be posted on this page at a later date. Please note that the start/end times above are subject to change.
Please note that the start/end times listed above are approximate, and other details are subject to change. Visit the NEFMC website linked above for the most up-to-date information.
The Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee will meet July 22-24, 2025. This will be an in person meeting with a virtual option. Please note that the timing and topics may change as agendas are finalized. Check this page for updates.
Anticipated Topics:
Management track assessment results and OFL/ABC recommendations for:
Summer Flounder
Black Sea Bass
Atlantic Mackerel
Illex Squid
Additional details will be posted on this page at a later date. Please note that the start/end times above are subject to change.
The Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee will meet September 9-10, 2025. This will be an in person meeting (location TBD) with a virtual option. Please note that the timing and topics may change as agendas are finalized. Check this page for updates.
Anticipated Topics:
Offshore wind discussion
MRIP FES Update and Overview
2026 ABC reviews: Spiny Dogfish
Please note that the start/end times listed above are approximate, and other details are subject to change. Visit the NEFMC website linked above for the most up-to-date information.
Additional details will be posted on this page at a later date. Please note that the start/end times above are subject to change.
Please note that the start/end times listed above are approximate, and other details are subject to change. Visit the NEFMC website linked above for the most up-to-date information.
Additional details will be posted on this page at a later date. Please note that the start/end times above are subject to change.
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council will meet February 10-11, 2026. This meeting will be conducted by webinar. Please check back for updates.
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council will meet April 7-9, 2026, in New York, NY. Please check back for updates.
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council will meet June 16-18, 2026, in Alexandria, VA. Please check back for updates.
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council will meet August 10-13, 2026, in Philadelphia, PA. Please check back for updates.
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council will meet October 6-8, 2026, in Duck, NC. Please check back for updates.
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council will meet December 14-17, 2026, in Annapolis, MD. Please check back for updates.