NOAA Fisheries Announces Proposed Framework Adjustment 16 to the Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fishery Management Plan (Illex Holds)

Deadline to Submit Comments is August 20, 2024

NOAA Fisheries announces proposed management measures for Illex and longfin squid as part of Framework 16. The proposed measures would establish a volumetric hold baseline for vessels with a limited access Illex squid permit. This would be similar to the hold baseline for Tier 1 and Tier 2 Atlantic mackerel permit holders and would prevent future expansion in the Illex squid fishery. This action also proposes that NMFS be allowed to collect information from limited access Illex squid and Tier 1 longfin squid permit holders on their primary vessel processing type for the upcoming fishing year. This information would be gathered during the annual permit renewal process. Additionally, this action clarifies that Illex squid vessels are required to report daily via the vessel monitoring system.

Read the proposed rule as published in the Federal Register today. The comment period is open through August 20, 2024. Submit your comments through the e-rulemaking portal.


Fishermen: Contact Maria Fenton, Sustainable Fisheries, (978) 281-9196

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