Jack Travelstead Receives Ricks E. Savage Award

March 4, 2013

Jack Travelstead was named this year’s recipient of the Ricks E. Savage award. The award is given each year to a person who has added value to the MAFMC process and management goals through significant scientific, legislative, enforcement, or management activities. 

“Throughout his 31 years of service on the Council, Jack Travelstead has been a leader in fisheries management, and has consistently set a very high mark for public service and professional excellence,” stated Chairman Robins. “Jack’s penchant for sound policy guidance, coupled with his respect for fisheries science and appreciation for the human dimensions of our fisheries often placed him at the center of successful compromises needed to resolve some of our most challenging issues.  His successful contributions to the management of the region’s fisheries have earned him broad respect and professional acclaim from generations of members and constituents alike in the Council process.”

Travelstead is the only individual to receive both the Council’s Ricks E. Savage award and the ASMFC’s David H. Hart award for contributions to the management of the region’s fisheries.