This week the NOAA's Marine Recreational Information Program (MRIP) announced the completion of a pilot study that tested the feasibility of using electronic logbooks to collect landings and fishing effort data. The final project report, which provides results and recommendations for future work, is now available online at
Council to Discuss Squid Management with Fishing Industry at Upcoming Meetings
The Council has scheduled two public meetings to talk with members of the fishing industry about options for improving management of the longfin and Illex squid fisheries. The meetings will build on input provided by fishermen, processors, scientists, and managers during a Squid Management Workshop held in January 2013.
NOAA Fisheries: New Spiny Dogfish Exemption Areas East and West of Cape Cod Effective Date: June 1, 2013
At the request of Northeast groundfish sectors, NOAA Fisheries is implementing an exempted fishery for spiny dogfish, which would exempt vessels from using a groundfish fishing day-at-sea. Click here for more information.
NOAA Fisheries: Atlantic Bluefish 2013 and 2014 Final Catch Limits Approved
Today, NOAA Fisheries announced approval of the final 2013 and 2014 catch limits for the Atlantic bluefish fishery. The Atlantic bluefish total allowable landings are 23.861 million lb for 2013 and 23.446 million lb for 2014. The 2013 catch limits go into effect on June 6. Click here for more information.
NOAA Fisheries: Atlantic Bluefish 2013 and 2014 Final Catch Limits Approved
Today, NOAA Fisheries announced approval of the final 2013 and 2014 catch limits for the Atlantic bluefish fishery. The Atlantic bluefish total allowable landings are 23.861 million lb for 2013 and 23.446 million lb for 2014. The 2013 catch limits go into effect on June 6.
Click here for more information.
NOAA Fisheries: New Spiny Dogfish Exemption Areas East and West of Cape Cod Effective Date: June 1, 2013
NOAA Fisheries: Monkfish Emergency Action Published Today -- Public Comments Appreciated
Today NOAA Fisheries announced that it has taken Emergency action to suspend, for at least 180 days, existing monkfish possession limits for vessels issued both a Federal limited access Northeast multispecies permit and a limited access monkfish Category C or D permit that are fishing under a monkfish day-at-sea in the monkfish Northern Fishery Management Area during FY 2013. Comments on this Emergency Action are being accepted through May 30.
NOAA Fisheries: Spiny Dogfish Quotas to be Increased for Commercial Fishermen
NOAA Fisheries is implementing the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s jointly-recommended increased commercial quotas for 2013-2015 for the spiny dogfish fishery. Increases from 2012 levels: 40.842 million lb in 2013 (+14%), 41.784 million lb in 2014 (+17%), and 41.578 million lb in 2015 (+16%). The commercial possession limit is also increased from 3,000 lb to 4,000 lb per trip (+33%).
NOAA Fisheries: Proposed Rule for 2013 Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Recreational Fisheries
Based on recommendations of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, NOAA Fisheries is proposing to increase the overall catch limits for the 2013 and 2014 black sea bass fishery by approximately 1 million pounds. This results in an increase of approximately 0.41 million pounds for the recreational black sea bass fishery, and a 0.39 million pound increase for the commercial fishery. For summer flounder, the Council has recommended that states establish their own or region-specific recreational management measures (bag limit, minimum size, and season) to ensure that the 2013 harvest limit is not exceeded. For the scup recreational fishery, we are proposing a decrease in minimum fish size and increase in trip limits so that fishermen can catch more fish on each fishing trip. Click here for more information.
Council Requests Public Input on Omnibus Recreational Amendment
Marine Recreational Information Program Update- Watch Online
Earlier this month Rob Andrews from NOAA Fisheries presented an overview of recent and upcoming changes to the Marine Recreational Information Program (MRIP) at the Council's meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina. His presentation focused on new catch and effort survey methods, is available to watch online. Click Here to watch it.
April 2013 Council Meeting Report
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council considered a broad range of issues at its meeting earlier this month in Raleigh, North Carolina. The following report summarizes the major decisions and topics of discussion, including 2014 Tilefish Management Measures, the Omnibus Recreational Accountability Amendment, a Forage Fish Workshop, and more. Read more...
Council Invites Public to Discuss Changes in Recreational Fishing Survey Methods
Recreational fishermen and other members of the public are invited to participate in an informal discussion with the Council about recent and upcoming changes in the Marine Recreational Information Program (MRIP). The listening session will be held on April 9 in Raleigh, NC in conjunction with the Council’s April Meeting.
NMFS Solicits Proposals for MAFMC 2014 Research Set-Aside Program
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) announced that it is accepting proposals under the Mid-Atlantic Council's Research Set-Aside (RSA) Program for research activities to be conducted in 2014. Applications must be received by NMFS on or before 5 p.m. EDT on May 6, 2013. Read more...
Jack Travelstead Receives Ricks E. Savage Award
Jack Travelstead was named this year’s recipient of the Ricks E. Savage award. The award is given each year to a person who has added value to the MAFMC process and management goals through significant scientific, legislative, enforcement, or management activities.
Council recommends SMZ designation for five Delaware reef sites
At last month's meeting the Council voted to recommend to the Regional Administrator that all five permitted Delaware reef sites be designated as SMZs year-round. The SMZ designation would restrict fishing to hook and line and spear fishing gear only (take by hand would also be permitted) within the area of each reef site.