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June 2015 Council Meeting

  • Hilton Virginia Beach Oceanfront 3001 Atlantic Ave Virginia Beach, VA, 23451 United States (map)

The public is invited to attend the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council's June 2015 meeting to be held at the Hilton Virginia Beach Oceanfront, 3001 Atlantic Ave., Virginia Beach, VA 23451: telephone 757-213-3000.  Below is the meeting agenda. 

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Meeting Materials

Agenda and Summary Documents

MAFMC Stock Update

Species Interactions Workshop

Mackerel, Squid, Butterfish Committee, Meeting as a Committee of the Whole

MSB Specifications

Squid Capacity Amendment

River Herring and Shad Cap and Annual Review

Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Specifications

National Standard 1, 3, 7 Guidelines

Commercial Fishery Mapping in Support of Regional Ocean Planning

Listening Session: Humpback Whale ESA Listing

Deep Sea Corals Amendment